Friday 28 January 2011


Some mysterious footage has emerged of Alaska's Last Stand of 2010. An entire set infact. Here is a cut from the set. Reptile.

Needless to say that this is a rock song so it should be turned UP.

Hats off to Brendan for pounding the living shit out of that drum kit.

And thanks to Ruth for doing a great job on filming it.

Remember to check the last post for a free download album.

Wednesday 26 January 2011


This time last year I was beginning to write a kind of concept ep/album, or at least, a collection of songs that had a common thematic thread. I recorded a few songs for it at home and at hope house, as demos. Two of which already appear on this blog. We're into 2011 now and the band are in the midst of recording the chosen songs in the studio. I thought it would be nice to put up a free album of some of the demos which didn't make the final cut, or that have no real home right now. We're into the new year so here is a misfits retrospective of 2010, 11 tracks and some artwork I cobbled together today to fit it. Far out. Copy the link into your address bar and download in confidence. Please enjoy.